Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reflected Desire is out, and I'm chatting about it today! Also, the joy of bread.

My novelette with Nocturne Cravings is out this month, and if you're interested in a short, sexy read, I hope you'll check it out!  At $2.99, the price isn't bad either:) You can find it at Amazon, B&N, and on eHarlequin. 

Speaking of Harlequin, the Harlequin Paranormal Blog is where I'm discussing the story today.  No giveaway, sadly, but I'd love some company if you've got the time to drop by!  Click HERE to read my guest post.

I hope all my readers are doing well and, in a lot of cases, enjoying unseasonably warm weather!  I dragged my bread machine up from the basement and have been baking, because...well, I don't know why.  Some kind of temporary insanity, no doubt.  The children thought it was a new machine.  It's close to ten years old.  This tells you something about how often I get these "Look! I'm a baker!" ideas. Still, it was fun, and a good opportunity to use some of the herbs I planted a couple of years ago that were once small and pathetic and are now trying to take over the side of my house.  Plants only grow for me if I ignore them.  To a certain extent, I feel like I have to let them do their thing, or they'll all shrivel up in protest.  My only other successful plant is a cactus, and it always looks like it's considering becoming terminally ill. 

In any case, I baked some Italian herb bread on the overpriced baking stone I bought at one of those parties--you know, the ones where it's at your friend's house and you mostly go to hang out but then you feel sort of guilty and decide you should buy something--around the same time I got the bread machine.  Ooh, and I learned the trick about putting a pan of water in the oven to get the crust all thick!  Yay me!  The bread is mostly gone today, so I'm glad I took a picture. No, I did not eat it all by myself!  I had some help.  How much, I'm not sayin'.  Behold, my masterpiece.

The wine was good too:)

Have a beautiful day, everyone!